"By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples."

John 15:8

Do you know that more children today struggle with depression, anxiety, obesity, and even suicidal thoughts than ever before...and that most families prioritize education and sports over spiritual training?  Kids are missing out on the living hope that is found in Jesus Christ, and they are hurting!!

The Abide ministry was born out of the Harvest Children's Ministry at Horizon as an expansion of the child's foundation in Christ. Howeer, we quickly learned that what we were teaching children, we needed as youth and adults as well! Therefore, we provide a children's discipleship program called "Leaders in Training" as weol as youth and adult discipleship groups called "DNA" groups.  This stands for Discover, Nurture, and Act.

Discipleship groups are where we truly make disciples who make disciples. Nothing else comes close. We learn to read the word, hear from God through it, and obey it. We dig in and confess our sins to one another, being willing to be held accountable and stay on the righteous path God teaches us to follow. When we are faithful to establish these spiritual disciplines in our lives, the Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out. We become more like Jesus and are able to glorify Him to the lost world who needs Him.

Leaders in Trainin meets on Wednesdays from 6-y:30pm and is open to 2nd -5th graders. Youth and adults are encouraged to serve as mentors! Registration required.

DNA groups are designated for males and females. Adult and youth groups meet at various times during the week.

Sunday Mornings | 10AM

Ministry Leader:
Deann Noyes