We will tell the next generation the praises of the Lord, His strength, and His wonderful works that He has done . . . that they may set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments. 

Psalm 78:4, 7 

Do you know that more children today struggle with depression, anxiety, obesity, and even suicidal thoughts than ever before...and that most families prioritize education and sports over spiritual training?  Kids are missing out on the living hope that is found in Jesus Christ, and they are hurting!!

We train in Godliness that we may know Christ, abide in him, and reach others for His glory!
The command that Jesus Christ gave His followers was to "GO and make disciples".
Therefore, the task of the church is to make disciples who make disciples...of all ages. Children who have surrendered their lives to Christ ARE part of the church today. They do not have to wait to become adults to follow Him. They have the same Holy Spirit, the same spiritual gifts, and the same mandate on their lives as do adult followers of Christ.

The church is a bridge to families by providing opportunities to grow and serve that otherwise are not availabble to them. We are intentional about training children to be disciples of Christ and empowering them to follow Him in three different branches of ministry:

1. Cultivate: Sundays at 10AM
The Disciple lives for Christ every day, all week long. On Sunday mornings, we do not GO to church, we gather AS the church to be equipped, edified, and refreshed by God's Word, worship, and fellowship with our brethren. Our Children's Ministry staff aims to be your child's "half-time coach" to help them in their walk with Christ all week long.

2. Abide consists of Leaders in Training and DNA Groups.
Disciples are followers of Jesus Christ. They read God's word, hear from Him in it, and obey His commands, therefore denying themselves. This results in Transformation! True discipleship happens in small groups taht are intentional about this process. Kids in 2nd -5th grades meet on Wednesday nights (called Leaders in Training). Youth in 6th grade and up meet in DNA groups, which are gender restricted and meet at various times throughout the week. Click on the icon to go to our Abide page to learn more.

3.  Seats 2 Streets: We go that they may hear!!
Disciples of Christ are turned towards the Harvest. We are laborers for Him and must share our faith with those around us and learn to serve others. S@S provides opportunities for kids, youth, adults, and families to serve in our community at two apartments complexes and on mission. Missions trips exercise our faith and help us to know and experience God in new ways as we enter the uncomfortable. Click here to go to our S2S page and learn more.

The work to train in Godliness and walk the narrow road of a disciple of Christ is great, but the fruit is beautiful as followers of all ages and people around them are transformed. We praise God for the foundation He is providing for children and the church at Horizon! 

Sunday Mornings | 10AM

Ministry Leader:
Deann Noyes